Get high-quality RNA fast, free of lingering PCR inhibitors with the RNeasy PowerMicrobiome Kit. Designed for purification of total RNA from stool, dried feces, gut material, contaminated buccal swabs and secretions, the RNeasy Power Microbiome Kit isolates RNA that is ready for demanding downstream applications including RT-PCR, qPCR and RNA-seq. Digested food, heme from lysed red blood cells in stool and other PCR inhibitors are no match for the Inhibitor Removal Technology that is included in the kit. The RNeasy PowerMicrobiome Kit also isolates miRNA and can optionally co-isolate DNA using a simple, on-column procedure using reagents provided with the kit.
RNeasy PowerMicrobiome Kit was formerly sold by MO BIO as PowerMicrobiome RNA Isolation Kit.
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